Bayes Business School (City St George’s University of London) have supported Hanna’s Community since 2009 and have so far raised over £100,000!

Each summer Bayes funds volunteers to travel to Ethiopia, visit the community and teach at their summer school. They also get to see exactly how the money they have raised is spent and what a difference it makes. Money raised by Bayes volunteers has helped to provide good quality chairs and tables in the classrooms and library, pay the rent on the children’s houses, buy a car to help Hanna travel easily between homes, and ensure each child has their own bed to sleep in. They have also provided school supplies, new shoes and school uniforms for the children.
The first trip took place back in 2010, when two students and one member of staff were selected from dozens of applicants, and spent two weeks working with the children at the orphanage. They taught classes, played games and helped the children practice their English conversational skills. Each year the volunteers’ classes complement those classes taught by Ethiopian staff at HOH, and they focus on working with the children in a visual, audio and kinaesthetic way. Volunteers work with children from nursery age up to 18 years old, depending on the needs of the community, and give everyone a chance to practice their conversational English. Highlights have included drum workshops, presentations about personal heroes, debates on gender equality, a remarkably effective prepositions game using suitcases and tennis balls, and an enthusiastic chorus of ‘Molly Malone’.

Nearly all volunteers who have visited HOH are still actively involved, with some even becoming trustees of the charity. Bayes Business School continue to support Hanna’s Community, not only through funding visits and providing volunteers, but also through raising the profile of the charity and providing expertise for governance, fundraising and planning events. We’re hugely grateful for their help and support! The volunteering programme with Bayes has been carefully planned with the orphanage and sends only a small number of volunteers to fill very targeted roles. Helping Hanna’s Community does not normally send volunteers overseas, as there are associated ethical issues. If you want to know more about this, please see our voluntourism page.

In August 2024, Nihal Bains, Colette Singhoff, Ignacio Mukadam, and Vittoria Militello will travel to Ethiopia to work with the children in Addis. If you’d like to donate (all money goes to HOH, none goes towards flights or accommodation!) please go to their online fundraising pages: